Mapping China’s Science and Technology Innovation for Management and Decision-Making |
Zhao Zhiyun, Zhang Junsheng, Yao Changqing, Liu Zhihui |
Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (ISTIC), Beijing 100038 |
Abstract The current trend is to base management and decision-making on big data. As it is formed and developed for S&T information, big data will have a profound impact on S&T management and decision-making processes. Visualization technology used to display the history, present status, and predict future of S&T development is conducive to the scientific and democratic management of science and technology. In response to the trend basing S&T management and decision-making on big data, the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China has taken the lead in conducting research on developing, and applying China’s S&T innovation maps. Multi-sourced factual S&T innovation data, using big data analysis methods and technologies—in particular, visualization technology—have been used to present the development status of China’s S&T innovation in dimensions including time and space, and further support S&T innovation management and decision-making processes. At present, research on mapping China’s S&T innovation focuses primarily on urban S&T innovation monitoring and evaluation from macro levels (global and national), to China’s regional provinces and cities, to micro-organizations and even individual scientific researchers. To support the construction of China’s innovative cities, especially urban S&T innovation management and decision-making processes, the following areas are being studied: the development status of urban S&T innovation; the distribution and flow of innovation factors; and the analysis and prediction of development trends and laws. China’s S&T innovation map research and the achievements applied will play an important role in supporting China’s S&T innovation development.
Received: 15 June 2018
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