A Counterfactual Method for Evaluating Academic Journals through Changes in Information Entropy in Knowledge Systems |
Ma Zheng1,2 |
1.Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Beijing 100038 2.School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023 |
Abstract This study develops a new method for the quantitative evaluation of the quality and influence of academic periodicals from a new perspective, considering that the existing academic journal evaluation concepts and methods cannot fully adapt to the developments of the academic publishing industry. By introducing the theory of information entropy, we construct a knowledge system consisting of a collection of papers published in academic journals and form a quantitative calculation model of information entropy in knowledge systems by relying on the indicators formed through citation analysis methods. Accordingly, the method of measuring the academic contribution of the evaluated periodical is based on counterfactual thinking, which calculates the “real value” of the information entropy of a knowledge system in the discipline that the evaluated journal belongs to, and the “non-real value” of the information entropy of the “what if” knowledge system without the evaluated journal. The difference between the “real value” and “non-real value” can be used to express the academic contribution (negative entropy introduced) of an academic journal to its knowledge system. The empirical evidence shows that this innovative method can reflect the academic value of periodicals from a new perspective.
Received: 16 August 2021
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