National Security Strategy Information Demand Modeling and Intelligent Matching Research |
Li Gang, Yu Hui, Xia Yikun |
Center for Studies of Information Resources, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072 |
Abstract As an important part of national security information management, research on the demand for this information is key to supporting strategic decision-making and has great theoretical and practical significance for improving the overall management ability of national security strategy. This study uses concept analysis, structure analysis, and case analysis to reveal the concept connotation, attribute characteristics, and classification of national security strategic information demand. The study determines the element structure behind the national security strategy's information demand reasoning; puts forward the functional tasks involved in demand perception prediction, analysis and evaluation, and response decision-making; and builds the national security strategy information demand model and intelligent matching framework based on the information process. This provides new ideas and methods for the innovation of national security strategy information management research.
Received: 05 February 2021
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