Construction of Information System Oriented to Identifying the Frontier of Science and Technology in Key Areas |
Liu Qiyan, Zeng Wen, Che Yao |
Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Beijing 100038 |
Abstract Recently, the development trend of science and technology in China has entered the stage of “following, merging, and leading.” To adapt to the new situation of science and technology, we need to develop frontier knowledge of science and technology in key areas, follow up the new developments of science and technology in major foreign countries in an all-round way, and perceive and judge the future development trend of science and technology. Additionally, we need to play a better role in ensuring the development of information systems. Based on the analysis of the current research situation all around the world, this study proposes and expounds the framework and methods for building an information system to identify the frontier of science and technology in key areas, and introduces the information practice in relevant research fields. The results show that the intelligence system and method of using multi-dimensional data to realize intelligence perception for identifying the science and technology frontier in key fields are operable.
Received: 03 July 2019
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