Research Dominance Between Institutions and Its Proximity Mechanism in Research Collaboration: A Case Study of China s Biomedical Field |
He Chaocheng1,2, Wu Jiang1,2, Wei Ziyao1,2, Liu Fuzhen1,2 |
1.Center for Studies of Information Resources, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072 2.Center for Chinese E-commerce Research and Development, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072 |
Abstract When disciplines are closely related and information resources are integrated, many scholars are concerned about investigating the factors that influence scientific research cooperation. However, prior studies have considered all the collaborations equally, which implies that if the names of two organizations are mentioned in the same paper, one collaboration is counted. In addition, most studies have failed to systematically and comprehensively examine the relationships between research collaboration and the key identified factors. Thus, in this study, we propose the concept and measurement of “research dominance” and examine the influence of multi-dimensional proximities on the diffusion of research dominance. We collect data related to the co-publications of Chinese institutions in Life Sciences & Biomedicine fields during the period of 2013-2017 from Web of Science. Social network analysis and gravity model shed light on the pattern and the role of multi-dimensional proximities on research dominance. In particular, research dominance is seriously polarized, but increasingly decentralized and reciprocal. The cumulative research dominance of the dominant institution and participating institution significantly and positively influences the diffusion of research dominance. Moreover, close cognitive, institutional, and social proximities facilitate the formation of research dominant relationship between the dominant and participating institutions, while geographical distance demonstrates a barrier influence on the diffusion of research dominance. This study provides a comprehensive insight of diversified modes of scientific research cooperation, evolution, and their influencing factors. It is important to note that research dominance can be extended to other fields as well.
Received: 18 June 2019
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