Research on the Dynamics and Trends of the Development of Public Opinion Topic Maps in Social Networks |
Wang Xiwei1,2, Wei Yanan1, Xing Yunfei1, Wang Duo1 |
1.School of Management, Jilin University, Changchun 130022 2.Bigdata Management Research Center, Jilin University, Changchun 130022 |
Abstract With the development of social media technology, the dissemination and supervision of public opinion on social networks have become a new concern of domestic and foreign scholars, relevant industries, and public opinion supervision departments. This research is based on the collected knowledge map of network public opinion and the social media environment of the relevant literature at home and abroad. Qualitative analysis and a knowledge map visualization method are used to comb through domestic and foreign scholars in the social media network public opinion research hotspot in the field of knowledge maps. Analyze the future development trend of big data-driven social network public opinion topic map. This research helps scholars at home and abroad to understand the research hotspots and development trends of the topic map of social network public opinion. It provides research ideas and directions for the study of the topic map of social network public opinion driven by big data theoretically and practically, and provides guidance for the future supervision of relevant regulatory authorities.
Received: 23 March 2019
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