A Method for Measuring the Relevance Between Patents and Enterprises |
Gao Yingfan1, Wang Zheng2, Hu Xiaorong1, Yao Changqing1, Liang Na1 |
1.Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Beijing 100038 2.National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 |
Abstract With the number of patent applications in China growing each year, some of these applications are becoming increasingly chaotic, as evident from the actions of certain enterprises in declaring or purchasing patents indiscriminately in order to win policy awards under the state’s support and encouragement policies for patent applications. This can result in patents that have no positive impact on corporate development or profit improvement, and that are not related to the company's main products. In this context, patent and enterprise relevance measurement research has become a valuable research topic. In considering the subjective evaluation methods of experts in the field of patent and enterprise relevance judgment, this study proposes a more valuable, innovative application method and provides an alternative to the traditional subjective evaluation methods. Information theory and deep learning methods are used to identify the index of patents. Additionally, the degree to which patent index words are mapped in corporate texts is measured in order to achieve an automatic quantification of patent and enterprise relevance. This study conducts an overall evaluation of the relevance of patents and enterprises in the environmental protection industry. Among the 4325 patents in the environmental protection field, there are 4065 consistent results and 260 inconsistent results, or an accuracy rate of 94%. The feasibility of the method is thus verified.
Received: 22 May 2019
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