Design and Implementation of a Humanities and Social Sciences Data Sharing Model: A Case Study of Consortium Blockchain |
Gu Jun1,3, Xu Xin2,3 |
1.Department of Information Management, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234 2.Department of Information Management, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062 3.Social Survey and Data Center, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062 |
Abstract In this age of big data, research in the Humanities and Social Sciences has gradually transformed into a new research model that is driven by data, which in turn fuels the demand for data sharing. However, the poor traceability of sources and their use remains a challenge in traditional humanities and social science data sharing procedures. To solve this problem, a data recording mechanism of a blockchain was adopted. This study specifically selected the Hyperledger Fabric, which is a blockchain framework, as the basis of the consortium blockchain and rewrote the data storage mode of the block. The model of the consortium blockchain of data sharing in the humanities and social sciences consists of CA authentication, presubmission, feedback verification, block package broadcasts, and ledger database updates. Furthermore, we customized Dataverse, which is a type of open-source data management software, and established a consortium blockchain platform for humanities and social science data sharing. Results showed that the data sharing model for humanities and social science based on blockchain can both solve existing problems at a technical level, and promote the development of data sharing. The results also showed that our consortium blockchain mechanism based on Hyperledger Fabric achieves the expected operational efficiency.
Received: 04 September 2018
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