Effects of Intelligent Situation, Learning Acuity, and Smart Service: Empirical Analysis of 97 Librarians of “Double First-Rate” Universities |
Zhang Qingpu1, Chen Mang1, 2, Hou Zhiping3 |
1. School of Management Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150006; 2. Guilin University of Technology Library, Guilin 541004; 3. Business School of Guilin University of Technology, Guilin 541004 |
Abstract The rapid popularization of advanced information technology and intelligent situations has brought new opportunities for the development of smart services in university libraries. However, the willingness of librarians to innovate and provide efficient intelligent services is the key issue affecting the effectiveness of smart services. Based on systems theory and the technology adoption model (TAM), this paper constructs a model that considers librarians’ willingness to innovate and smart service behavior, from the perspective of learning acuity (intrinsic motivation) and intelligence situation (exterior situation). This paper explores the relationship between the intelligence situation, learning acuity, and smart service, and as well as the path of action and the mechanism of influence. Then, through empirical analysis of 97 librarians of “double first-rate” universities, this paper verifies the research hypothesis and conceptual model. The results showed that the learning acuity and the intelligence situation are the key factors that have a significant positive impact on librarians' intelligent service behavior and willingness to innovate. The librarians' willingness to innovate in service is an important intermediate variable for intelligent situations, learning acuity, and smart services. Finally, based on the research results, this paper puts forward corresponding suggestions and strategies for service innovation and management of the university library’s smart service.
Received: 07 February 2018
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