Information Searching Behavior of Digital Library Users Based on Their Cognitive Styles |
Zhang Lulu1, Huang Kun2 |
1. Library of Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122; 2. School of Government, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875 |
Abstract To better understand the differences in searching behavior by digital library users exercising different cognitive styles, this research recruited 30 participants from the Beijing Normal University to take part in the experimental study. It detected the specific, generic, and abstract searching tasks, and recorded the participants’ searching process. Using content analysis, it analyzes the differences between field-independent users and field-dependent users, with respect to the overall characteristics, and particularly search behavior characteristics within a searching session. The findings indicated that the differences in the key searching behaviors between the two kinds of users were significant. This includes the use of search points and search function, the frequency of queries, the duration time within one searching session, and the patterns of query reformulations.
Received: 06 December 2016
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