Development and Innovation of Information Science in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: From the Perspective of Information Communication Theory |
Ding Botao |
Institute of Information Science, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai 200235 |
Abstract In this paper, the innovation and development of Information Science in the artificial intelligence era are discussed comprehensively and systematically. First, based on the theory of information exchange, this paper reviews the historical development stages of information science: the era of big science, big information, big knowledge, big data, and big intelligence. Second, this paper analyzes the evolution of information exchange theory in the artificial intelligence era, including the virtualization of communication subject, the intellectualization of communication content, and the unconsciousness of communication process. It also analyzes the development of Information Science from three dimensions, including the return of intelligence analysis, Information Engineering, and the improvement of the importance of open source intelligence. The analysis of information exchange theory, information discipline system, and information work in this paper not only helps to provide some new ideas for the innovation and development of information theory in the new technological environment, but also provides inspiration for the intelligent innovation of the information system and information service.
Received: 27 May 2019
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