An Improved Similarity Measurement Model for Chinese Short Texts Based on Weighted Network |
Niu Fenggao, Gao Xuxia |
School of Mathematical Sciences, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006 |
Abstract With the advent of text information explosion, data mining has become a principal method of knowledge discovery. The similarity measurement of text is an important technique in data mining. To improve the accuracy of the similarity calculation of short text, we propose a new similarity measurement model based on the weighted network. First, the semantic network is weighted based on the co-occurrence frequency of words, and the weighted complex network is used to represent the short text. Second, considering the feature of low weight recognition of the weighted complex network in the short text and the position of each word node, the weighted complex network characteristic value of each word in the short text is calculated. Finally, the similarity of short texts is considered based on the new model, and the model is evaluated by clustering of short texts. Our experimental results indicate that the new method is better than the STSim model.
Received: 24 February 2020
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